Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Beard Beginnings

As we anxiously await Pedro's first post, I will follow up with a few additional FAQ's.

What if I have to look presentable at work?
There is nothing more grizzled than an unkempt beard, but as we want all of the participants to keep their jobs, I think it's fair to tweak the rules. I would suggest shaving the neard (neck beard) and those stray hairs that may make an unwanted appearance. This way, it will look like you are trying to grow a beard, instead of being lazy.

What if I can't grow a good beard?
The purpose of No Shave November is not who can grow the best beard. Instead, it should be a celebration of all types of beards, from ZZ-Top glory, to the Tom Selleck stache, and even the Orlando Bloom wisp. So wear it proudly!

But my face starts to itch! What do I do?!
Suck it up. This will likely happen in the first week or two. After that you're in the clear.

How do I contribute to this amazing blog?
Simply leave a comment on Pedro's post (when he finally posts...) with your own photo of how your beard is progressing.

Finally, here is my first week of beard growth. Your move Pedro.

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